Changes are important for personal growth. They can turn someone’s life completely around, and make them a completely different person. Changes, big or small will require commitment.

Why commitment is necessary.

A lot of the time people are quick to SAY they will do something, but not to do it. Words without action are meaningless.

It means that commitment is more than a word.

To truly be able to change,  you must completely commit yourself to the change to have success.

Nothing good will ever come easy. Your end goal requires hard work and dedication, so do not deceive yourself into believing that it will be an easy process.

Although committing yourself entirely may sound intimidating at first, before long you will see it much differently.

Commit yourself entirely

The process of change is an interesting one.

In the beginning, you are nervous about it because you are used to things being a certain way, and a part of you wants things to remain the same

In the end, you will feel that the decision to change was a good one and that it impacted your quality of life for the better.

Between the beginning and the end of your journey, you will most likely face hardships that will make you question yourself, your reasoning, and your potential outcome.

Remaining committed despite self-doubt

You will question if you are a strong enough person to change in the first place.

You will question whether or not you should even fight for change at all.

Finally, you will question if you will be able to reach your goal. You will wonder if your failure is inevitable.

When you begin to question yourself, it is important to remember the reason you want to change in the first place.

Change brings freedom

You want to change because it frees you.

Change allows you to have greater control over your life, and everything in it.

This applies to whatever form of change someone seeks. Regardless of what the situation is when you fully commit yourself to change and achieve what you set out to do, you will have a sense of self-confidence like no other.


You can benefit a lot from change, but the truth is, Without having the right mindset, it does not matter how much you succeed, you are still vulnerable to going back to your old ways.

Commitment is more than just a word. it is a promise. it is a promise to yourself that you want what is best so much that you will fight to get it.

You can change for a little while with little effort. To have said change indefinitely however, you will need discipline,the right mindset, and the commitment that got you that far to begin with.

Once you do finally achieve what you have been striving for, you will most likely realize that all of the time and effort you put into creating what is now your reality was well worth it.