As human beings we all have fears. Regardless of what it may be, you name it someone is afraid of it. One thing that I have noticed however is that whatever a person’s fear may be, a lot of them stem from one thing. That thing being UNCERTAINTY

We all are used to our habits

Everyone prefers to keep things the way they are. If we are used to a routine, then we feel that we do not have anything to worry about. Although this may be more comfortable, it is much more rewarding to face uncertainties instead of hiding from them.

Through facing uncertainties, we grow as people.

We must aspire to break the routine if it happens to be better for us in the long run.

Facing fears is difficult for everyone

Our fears motivate a lot of our actions, and it will be difficult to face them because we don’t want to.

It is easier to leave well enough alone, and just accept things for how they are.

But we should not do this

Facing our fears can be one of the most difficult things that we as a person can do, but it is important to remember that it is difficult for everyone.

You are not alone in your struggle.

Fear is one of the only things that is preventing you from success.

If you conquer your fears, you can conquer anything.

Our uncertainty controls us to the extent where we will not leave our comfort zones because we are scared to.

For most, being successful means taking a risk, regardless of however fearful you may be.

Your success is largely dependent on if you want to take the chance or not.

If you do, you may be pleasantly surprised, but if you don’t you will regret it eventually.


At the end of the day, our fear is motivated by uncertainty, and only by facing them can we truly be free from them.

Although it may be a difficult process if you want to live a less fear-motivated life then it is a risk that you will have to take.

We must all set aside our worries, whatever they may be, and go about our problems in a healthy way.

We all have the potential to conquer our fears and become who we are meant to be, but we must not let our uncertainty get in the way of that.


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