In the year 2020, checking social media is an everyday occurrence for millions of people.
The most populated social networking websites of the last ten years started out with nothing. They now hold millions of users worldwide, ranging from young to old. One prominent question remains in people’s minds.
Is it addictive?
While some may disagree, studies have shown that social media addiction is real.
What the study results say
Jaclyn Cabral in ‘’Is Generation Y Addicted to Social Media?” states that a study was conducted to take note of generation Y’s social media habits.
The study was to test if and how social media interfered with the day to day relationships of said person.
The plan was to compare the data of the tested individuals, to a person from an older generation who were inclined to be more face to face than people of today’s era.
The results of the experiment showed that the tested individuals suffered from “three and a half of the five tested components of addiction’’.
The participants willingly admitted they need to limit the amount of time that they spend on these sites.
How to break your addiction.
When it comes to conquering social media addiction, moderation is key.
You do not have to quit it altogether if you have enough self-control to limit yourself on how much you look at it.
Here are several tips on how to limit your social media usage
Tips on how to cut back
- Do not look at your phone before you go to sleep, or immediately after you wake up.
- Limit your screentime by 50% by not looking at your phone, and only using it if you absolutely need to.
- Set a timer so you do not exceed your time limit.
Social networking makes things much more convenient for everyone.
The issue comes when people start to become dependent on it, to the extent that they are not able to function normally without it.
Social media and the internet can be useful tools, but they should be used correctly, so that they can benefit, without being detrimental to the user.
Addictions can be difficult to break, but it is manageable.
In this case, if you can manage to limit how often and how long you use the apps, then you will be able to minimize your addiction substantially if not completely sooner than you may think..
Setting limits is so important. Anytime I “over consume” social media I end up feeling sick or sad. It’s overstimulating..
Thank you for your insightfulness!