There are a lot of distracting things that can prevent us from getting things done. One of the most prevalent ones is social media.

  A lot of times we may not be doing anything of substance either.  We may just scroll endlessly through without a care in the world. Often for extended periods of time.

This can be detrimental to us for a series of reasons, but I think that it’s best we stick to one topic at a time.

Social media is often distracting us from more important things we could be doing.  Let’s learn how to stop that.

Limit your social media usage

Don't let social media keep distracting you.
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A potential remedy to the issue can just be to simply limit your social media usage. Preferably only using it after you are resolved of your responsibilities. 

This way, you are not being distracted from something more deserving of your time. 


  1. Look at social media after school or work
  2. Check it during a break

Limit distractions by giving up social media

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It can be a smart idea to give up social media, at least temporarily. 

Doing this can possibly help in reducing your desire to use the platforms. That way, if you do return in the future, you may treat the platforms more appropriately.

Taking a break will ideally allow you to see the negative ramifications that social media has brought you. Thus potentially inspiring more responsible usage.

You can also choose to give up social media entirely. That will theoretically solve your distraction problem.

After all, if the main thing that was distracting you is gone, then you should be more able to get stuff done.

Don’t let social media keep distracting you

Social media is one of the worst things that we can do to occupy our time. Aside from a boost in dopamine, we basically get nothing in return for the time that we invest.

This means that we are basically wasting hours of our life that we could be spending on more important things.

The problem, unfortunately, is that working feels less enjoyable than watching funny videos.

Because we are more drawn to gratifying activities, we will naturally want to continue to do that. Over and over again, until we are in a habit of wasting precious time that could be going to something more important.

If we are to seriously grow as a person, we need to learn to cut back or rid ourselves entirely of what holds us back. For many people., that happens to be social media.

Social Media Addiction And How To Treat It. – The Mayonation


You don’t have to keep falling back into the trap of social media. It is a productivity killer, and if you are using it, it’s best you’re done with all your responsibilities.

Although it may be difficult, replacing social media with other responsibilities is the right decision. Sure, it’s not as rewarding, but it’s better for you..

Which would you prefer? Wasting hours of your day on social media because it’s distracting you from your work. Or spending all of your time on work so you can reward yourself with social media?

Overall, we shouldn’t let ourselves be distracted from our work. Especially by something that is such a waste of time.


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