When we think about positive changes that we want to implement in our lives, we often dream big. Because, in our minds, bigger is always better.

Which makes sense, right?

If you want to get in shape, why wouldn’t you want to exercise daily?

And if you want to start reading more why not read several chapters of your book a day?

The truth is these AREN’T bad goals. It’s just that the way we go about them is
often setting us up for failure.

Think about new year’s resolutions.

Everyone sets them, but very few keep them. Why is that?

It’s not because everyone is a loser who is incapable of bettering their own lives. It’s because we are going about things all wrong.

We shouldn’t look at our task as one big goal that needs to be achieved. But rather an amalgamation of mini goals that guide us on our path to success.

Start with small steps.

To succeed, we need to break things down.

Think about it. If you’re taking a course in school. You take things chapter by chapter. This way you get a holistic understanding of the information.

If all you did was take one exam over all of the information, you would probably do poorly.

But by breaking the information down into more easily digestible chunks you are more easily able to learn the course material.

The same goes for the goals that we set for ourselves.

We are more likely to achieve our goals if we start small and work our way up.

For instance, if you want to make a habit of reading, start by devoting 5 or 10 minutes every night.

And if you want to cut back on sugar, drink 1 less can of soda. Or eat one less candy bar a day.

These small actions may seem insignificant, but for many people they do way more to reinforce the desired behavior than going full speed ahead.

If we do that, we are much more likely to give up and burn out.

When we start small, we are incentivized to continue. Because it’s so easy.


When it comes to self-improvement, the end result is the most important thing.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you. It just matters that you get where you need to be.

Growth takes time, so don’t rush it.

Just take one small step at a time and eventually things will start to work themselves out.