5 Ways Video chatting can be Useful to You

5 Ways Video chatting can be Useful to You

A few months ago I did something that I had never done before. I video chatted with random people. As an introvert, I was naturally a bit hesitant to do it at first. But I realized that since the very idea was my own it would be a bit silly to refuse to do it. I was...
How to Replace a Bad Habit With a Healthier One

How to Replace a Bad Habit With a Healthier One

 We all have at least one bad habit that we would like to kick. Whether it’s finger nail-biting, overthinking,  or procrastinating. The problem is that actually quitting them can be difficult a lot of times. This makes sense though. Why wouldn’t it be? We continue...
Why Willpower is Essential for Success in Life

Why Willpower is Essential for Success in Life

To fully commit to self-improvement, we will undoubtedly have to do things that we would prefer not to. If we are dieting, we must eliminate the bad food and replace it with healthier alternatives. If we are trying to get in shape we will need to make exercising a...
The Truth About Self-Improvement

The Truth About Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is something that many people the world over are interested in. And for good reason. We all want to become a better version of ourselves.   But the truth is, there are things about the self-improvement journey that could be seen as undesirable to...
The Little Things Matter too

The Little Things Matter too

I believe that some of the most beautiful things about life are those we overlook. The “little things” so to speak. We are always thankful for family, friends, and good health. But what about the stuff that we don’t usually think about? It’s those...