How We Are All More Alike Than Different

How We Are All More Alike Than Different

I believe we all are much more alike than we realize. Sure, between cultures we all might have different norms and beliefs, but overall, we are fundamentally similar. The problem is that we will oftentimes focus entirely on how we are different. And when we magnify...
Why You Need To Start Getting Up Earlier

Why You Need To Start Getting Up Earlier

Over the past month I have been consistently getting up at 4 A.M. In doing so, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the benefits that can come from early rising. Let’s talk about it. What’s the goal? I started early rising with two goals in mind. Get...
How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

2023 has the potential to be your best year yet. It’s up to you to make that a reality though.  You need to decide if that is a challenge you want to take on.   As with everything else, your actions have consequences.  They will either reinforce...
7 Tips to Become a Better Communicator

7 Tips to Become a Better Communicator

Being a good communicator is a valuable asset to have. Whether it be for occupational, social, or even romantical purposes.  Unfortunately, not all of us (myself included)  are very social people. What is easy for some may be highly stressful for others. While...