How To Manage Your Time Properly

How To Manage Your Time Properly

Time is a valuable thing, that many of us take for granted. We go to sleep at night, expecting to wake up the next day BUT What if you didn’t wake up? If given the chance to do things over again, would you take it? The answer to this question is in all...
Why Memorial Day Is A Big Deal

Why Memorial Day Is A Big Deal

As another Memorial Day goes by, Americans are being reminded of our fallen heroes, and the sacrifices they made to ensure our freedom. We look at the way things are now ( well not exactly RIGHT now), and we all take for granted what has been given. We do this so...
Why Committing To Personal Growth Is Good

Why Committing To Personal Growth Is Good

Changes are important for personal growth. They can turn someone’s life completely around, and make them a completely different person. Changes, big or small will require commitment. Why commitment is necessary. A lot of the time people are quick to SAY they...