How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet

2023 has the potential to be your best year yet. It’s up to you to make that a reality though.  You need to decide if that is a challenge you want to take on.   As with everything else, your actions have consequences.  They will either reinforce...
7 Tips to Become a Better Communicator

7 Tips to Become a Better Communicator

Being a good communicator is a valuable asset to have. Whether it be for occupational, social, or even romantical purposes.  Unfortunately, not all of us (myself included)  are very social people. What is easy for some may be highly stressful for others. While...
What is Mindfulness and Why Do We Need it?

What is Mindfulness and Why Do We Need it?

By now you have probably heard about mindfulness. People hype it up a lot. Especially when it comes to the potential benefits that it can provide. But what is it? Are the claims able to be substantiated? And if they are how can we go about being more mindful in our...
4 Ways Decluttering Will Change Your Life

4 Ways Decluttering Will Change Your Life

Clutter is something all of us have to a varying degree. Whether it be a messy desk, random items strung out on the floor, or even a dirty sink. Clutter can impact our lives in numerous ways that you may not have even realized. Because of this, we probably should...