Keep yourself accountable for the things that you say. When you say that you will do something, you should do it. Regardless of whether you are doing that thing for yourself or for someone else, it shows good character to keep your word.
It is much easier said than done, however. Depending on the context this can be a difficult task. Difficult, yet attainable.
Seeing as though we have already talked about the importance of commitment, I feel it is necessary to go into a territory of equal or greater importance. That of course is accountability.
In challenging times it can be hard to commit unless you truly want to and have your heart set on it. If you happen to find yourself committed to a goal, but uncertain of how to keep yourself in check, I have good news for you. It’s not as bad as you make think.
Here are 3 ways to hold yourself accountable.
Create a “SMART” goal.
If you want to keep yourself accountable, setting goals is a good way to do that. The type of goal that you set is important though. The goals that you set must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
Here is an example of a “SMART” goal.
Let’s say Veronica is wanting to lose weight. In order to hold herself accountable, she must set a goal for herself.
Example: Veronica wants to lose 30 pounds in a month.
Example: Calculate how many pounds you need to lose per week.
It is a good idea to look over the data so that you can analyze if things are going as expected.
Losing 30 pounds in one month is a rather difficult task. Because of this, it is best to start with a smaller number.
Eventually, she can lose all 30 pounds. It is just important to be a bit more pragmatic. Certainly losing that weight within such a short time is possible for some, but for most that is not the case.
Example: Veronica will lose 10 pounds in 1 month.
Example: Veronica has gained a bit of weight. She wants to lose weight to feel healthier.
Finally, Veronica’s goal must be time-bound. In other words, her goal needs to be completable by a certain time. To make this more attainable, it is ideal to set a mini-goal.
Example: Along with her overall goal ( losing 10 pounds in one month), Veronica will set mini-goals for herself (losing 2.5 pounds per week).
Hold yourself accountable for the thoughts that you have.
As the saying goes, “can’t never could”. Your thoughts can play a large factor in your overall success with something.
You need to think positively. Hold yourself accountable by letting go of those negative thought patterns that you may have. The negative thoughts will lead you to question yourself and your abilities.
If you notice your thoughts going in a negative direction, break away from it. Reinforce positive thoughts. Believe in yourself. Internal thoughts can have external consequences.
Jot down your goal on a sheet of paper.
It can be a good idea to write your goal down. It is even better to place the note where you can easily see it.
You can place it on the refrigerator, put it on your desk, or wherever else you would prefer. You just need to be able to see what you wish to accomplish.
This will hopefully reinforce your desire to conquer your goal. The Power of Writing Down Your Goals, And How To Do It (
Holding yourself accountable is a great way to increase the likelihood of success. That, along with positivity, smart goals, and ambition are the building blocks to success.
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