We all experience anxiety from time to time. For most people, it is mild and relatively brief. For others, specifically those with an anxiety disorder, anxiety can be chronic and long-lasting.

But what if I told you that there is a way to alleviate the stress AND improve your mental fortitude at the same time?

Don’t Dismiss the Thoughts

When we feel anxious, we naturally want to withdraw from what is causing discomfort. However, in certain circumstances, that is the wrong way to go about things. This is especially true when we are dealing with intrusive thoughts.

What are Intrusive Thoughts?

Be mindful of intrusive thoughts

Simply put, Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distressing thoughts:


  1. Feelings of inadequacy ( ” I can’t do it”)
  2. Unwanted memories ( PTSD flashbacks)
  3. Stage freight ( fearing that you will misspeak or forget your line in a play)

Intrusive thoughts can make anxiety relief difficult. Especially if they are pervasive. This makes overcoming the anxiety much more difficult.

The Unfortunate Truth

The truth is, we shouldn’t run from our intrusive thoughts. We should accept them.

Why Accept Intrusive Thoughts?

Accepting intrusive thoughts may sound a bit odd. Why embrace something that causes so much discomfort ? It sounds a bit counterintuitive right? That’s a perfectly reasonable response, and certainly one that many people have.

The truth is, however, that retreating from these intrusive thoughts won’t get us anywhere; it reinforces them.

To move forward and defeat our anxiety, we must face them head-on.

A good example would be a practice commonly used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) known as exposure therapy. In exposure therapy, patients are repeatedly exposed to their triggers ( source of fear) with the goal of desensitization.

communication between two parties


Acknowledging our intrusive thoughts may make us feel overwhelmed in the moment, but it is therapeutic in the long run. There is nothing wrong with having these thoughts; everyone does. However, not everyone treats them the same.

Don’t let yourself be bogged down by anxiety. Be mindful of your thoughts, accept them as they are, and move on from there.